Current Productions
Rapunzel is an adaptation of the classic tale. This adaptation is based on the Italian version called "Petronsinella" of the seventeenth century. In it, Rapunzel and the Prince are chased by the witch who transforms into various animals in order to catch the couple. Rapunzel, normally a passive heroine, is very clever in this version. Click here to read more
Wonderful Walkabouts
All types of puppet characters roam as street entertainment or for special events. Giant parade figures, small marionettes and hand puppets interact in short, improvised performances with audiences both large and small, old and young. Click here to read more
Spinning Straw Into Gold
Spinning Straw Into Gold is a farcical retelling of the Rumpelstiltskin story. We are introduced to the character of Rumpelstiltskin at the beginning of the show, when he plays tricks on a dragon and then on the Miller. Click here to read more